
Temperature measuring transducer - definition, operation and types

What are temperature transducers and how do they work? Temperature measuring transducers, also called temperature transmitters, play a crucial role in industrial measurement and automation systems. They serve as a link between temperature sensors and the systems that require temperature measurements. But how exactly do they work? A temperature measuring transducer acts as an amplifier for the signal coming from a temperature sensor, such as a Pt100 resistance temperature sensor or a thermocouple. These sensors measure temperature in different environments and generate an electrical signal based on that measurement. The temperature measuring transducer processes this signal and performs a number of essential tasks: Linearization: temperature sensors do not always emit linear signals. The temperature measuring transducer applies a correction to ensure that the output signal corresponds to the temperature measurement. Signal conversion: the signal is converted into a standardized output signal, such as 0-10 V or 4-20 mA. This makes the signal usable for other devices, such as PLCs, controllers and registration systems. An example can clarify this: suppose we have a temperature sensor with a measuring range of 0-100°C. At the lowest temperature, for example 0°C, the temperature measuring transducer will output 4 mA current. As the temperature increases, the current increases proportionally until it reaches 20 mA, which corresponds to the highest temperature the sensor can measure, in this case 100°C. In short, temperature measuring transducers are the heart of measurement and automation systems. They ensure that physical temperature values are converted into measurable and understandable signals for industrial applications.

Measuring system with JUMO Wtrans B wireless temperature sensors.

Measuring system with JUMO Wtrans B wireless temperature sensors.

Soorten temperatuur meetomvormers

Temperatuur meetomvormers zijn beschikbaar in verschillende varianten om te voldoen aan de diverse behoeften van industrieën. De belangrijkste soorten temperatuur meetomvormers zijn:

Analoge temperatuur meetomvormer

  • Temperatuur meetomvormer 4-20 mA: dit is het meest voorkomende type temperatuur meetomvormer en wordt breed gebruikt in industriële toepassingen vanwege de nauwkeurigheid en betrouwbaarheid.

  • Temperatuur meetomvormer 0-10 V: een ander analoog type dat wordt gebruikt in situaties waarbij dit uitgangssignaal beter geschikt is.

Digitale temperatuur meetomvormers

  • Digitale temperatuur meetomvormers bieden geavanceerde communicatie- en diagnostische mogelijkheden, waardoor ze geschikt zijn voor complexe systemen.

temperature transmitter - JUMO dTRANS T03 series

Benefits of temperature measuring transducers

The use of temperature measuring transducers offers several advantages, including:

  • Accuracy: they improve the accuracy of temperature measurements, which is essential for many industrial processes.
  • Interference: temperature measurement transducers ensure that the temperature sensor signal resists interference in industrial environments, even over long distances.
  • Galvanic separation: they provide separation between electrical systems, increasing safety and reliability.
  • Use of cables: ordinary cables can be used instead of expensive compensation cables, providing cost savings.
  • Temperature compensation: some measuring transducers compensate the temperature of connection terminals (cold junction), making measurements even more accurate.
  • Diagnostic capabilities: modern digital transmitters simplify maintenance and provide extensive diagnostic capabilities.
Compatibility: the output signals of transmitters are compatible with many standard devices, allowing easy integration into existing systems

Application of temperature measuring transducers in various industries

Temperature measuring transducers are widely used in industry because of their crucial role in measuring and controlling temperature, which is vital for both product quality and safety. Let's take a look at some of the key industries in which temperature measuring transducers are indispensable:

1. Chemical Industry

In the chemical industry, temperature measurements are crucial for reaction control and process monitoring. Temperature measuring transducers are used to ensure that chemical processes are carried out at the correct temperatures, ensuring product quality and personnel safety.

2. Food industry

In the food industry, temperature transmitters play a crucial role in monitoring the temperature in ovens, refrigeration and freezing equipment, and pasteurization processes. They help ensure that food products are processed safely and comply with food safety regulations.

3. Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry has strict temperature control requirements, especially in the production of drugs and vaccines. Temperature measurement transducers ensure that temperature conditions are maintained within controlled environments, which is vital to the efficacy and safety of pharmaceutical products.

4. Power generation

In the energy sector, temperature measuring transducers play a role in monitoring temperature in electric generators, turbines and cooling systems. This contributes to the efficiency of power generation and helps prevent overheating or malfunctions.

5. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning).

In the HVAC industry, temperature measuring transducers are used to control heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in buildings. They provide a comfortable and energy-efficient environment in residential and commercial buildings.

6. Petrochemical industry

The petrochemical industry makes extensive use of temperature measuring transducers to monitor temperature in refineries, storage tanks and pipelines. This helps ensure the safety and efficiency of these complex processes.

7. Process industry

In the general process industry, temperature transmitters are indispensable for monitoring various parameters. Whether melting metals, manufacturing plastics or regulating chemical reactions, temperature measurements play a crucial role in the entire production process.

8. Life sciences

In the life sciences, especially in laboratories and research facilities, temperature measurement transducers are used to maintain a constant temperature for sensitive experiments and sample storage. This contributes to the accuracy and reproducibility of research results.

In short, temperature measurement transducers are versatile devices used in numerous industries to optimize temperature measurements, ensure product quality and improve safety. Their flexibility and reliability make them indispensable in modern industrial and engineering applications.

JUMO dTRANS T06 Ex zone temperatuurtransmitters

JUMO dTRANS T06 Ex Zone goedgekeurde temperatuurtransmitters

Temperature Transducers and Temperature Sensors - which do you choose?

The choice between a temperature sensor and a temperature measurement transducer depends on your specific needs. A temperature sensor simply measures temperature and outputs a signal. A temperature measurement transducer, as described above, performs additional tasks to make the signal suitable for further processing.
When accuracy, reliability and communication of data are crucial, a temperature measurement transducer is the right choice. For simple temperature measurements, a temperature sensor is sufficient.


Temperature measurement transducers play a crucial role in industrial measurement and automation systems. They improve the accuracy, reliability and functionality of temperature measurements in various industries. The choice between different types of transmitters and sensors depends on the specific requirements of your application.

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About the Author

My name is Saskia van der Laan, I have been working for JUMO for over 33 years. Since 2012 I have been working with great enthusiasm in the marketing department. It is my passion to use written text to translate technology into practice with the aim of informing and inspiring the reader.


Saskia van der Laan - Marketing +31294768050 Saskia.vanderLaan@jumo.net +31294768050

Technische specialist

Dirk Kop - Technische specialist +31294491481 Dirk.Kop@jumo.net +31294491481